Custom woven labels come in a variety of design and colours. Fashion labels can conveniently choose a design that meets their labelling objectives while still looking attractive and professional. Since they are designed with a specific client’s preference in mind, custom woven labels are prevalent in custom made or high-end designer clothes. So, if you want to transform your clothes into something extraordinary, you must try a custom woven label. Allow the business that you and your team have put into curating comfortable and stylish clothing to be validated in the eyes of your future audience. Here are the key advantages of custom woven labels:


Custom woven labels make the brand an x-factor that gives the consumers a good impression. A professional, attractive woven label allows you to bring your brand a unique identity that blows the mind of anyone who even looks over it. Custom woven labels, made from natural or recycled yarns, reflect a brand’s authenticity and long-term sustainability.

The Silent Salesman:

Labelling your clothing is the easiest way to sell them. The labels with helpful cleaning directions continue to promote the brand message, creating a lasting impression quietly. A well-stitched woven label that suits the garment theme and colour scheme validates the brand’s authenticity. You’ll be promoting the brand without causing a lot of noise or being too blatant about your marketing strategies. As one of Paris’s leading woven labels suppliers, we go to great lengths to ensure that consumers enjoy your brand and deem it the perfect match for their luxury wardrobes.


Using a generic woven logo is a good choice if you want to unify your selling theme and convince consumers that all of your ranges are made in-house. They serve as tiny identifiers that tie a diverse variety of clothing together. You can put the whole collection on the same platform by using custom woven labels with the garments, whether you’re offering a skirt, a pair of trousers, or a hat.


Custom woven labels have a richer, more luxurious appearance than standard printed labels due to their gentle touch and mesmerizing feel. Custom woven labels often give a touch of hallmark class to the branding and portraying premium apparel content.


Custom woven labels have a long-lasting performance. Woven labels, unlike printed labels, last the same amount of time as the clothes they are attached to. They do not fade in daily washing. They remain in the area for a longer time, and after several years of use, the instructions written on them remain unchanged. Griffes Vivienne’s quality woven labels are colourfast and maintain their form even after several times of washings.